Expert preparation for state and federal police reasoning, personality & emotional intelligence tests - Practice tests online with the same style of questions, detailed answer explanations, online courses & 1-on-1 tutoring


Please note: Contrary to other preparations, such as ACER's, we offer you:

  • Real practice tests with a timer (not just a list of questions in a booklet) to get you ready to your real test experience.

  • Full worked solutions to all test questions and not only offering you what  the correct answers are. So you can learn how to solve test questions in your real test.

  • Also, preparations for your personality test and emotional intelligence test

If you are applying to join a state or federal police force, you will be required to undergo several psychometric tests:

1. In your initial screening you will be asked to complete several timed reasoning tests.

2. Then you will be asked to complete a personality test to ensure no personality issues that might hinder your performance as a police officer

3. Then you are likely to be asked to complete an Emotional Intelligence test to ensure that you are effective in managing your emotions and can predict others' emotional response.

Our Professional Preparations for your 2021 Police reasoning tests (abstract, verbal & mumerical tests), Personality test & Emotional Intelligence test

The Institute of Psychometric Coaching has developed a variety of tailored preparation solutions for each test type. These solutions include:

State and Federal police reasoning and personality practice tests online:

  • A large pool of police reasoning practice tests (Abstract Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning & Quantitative Reasoning tests) all timed & include real test questions.
  • Step by step answer explanations for all test questions (Detailed answer explanations)
  • Test scores in comparison to others
  • Immediate Access.

1-on-1 tutoring for your reasoning, personality & emotional intelligence tests:

  • Delivered by experienced psychometric test trainers..
  • Face to face or via Skype live.
  • Working with you to ensure you know how to demonstrate your capabilities in all police tests questions.

Our preparation for Australian Federal Police (AFP) cognitive and emotional intelligence tests

Our preparation for Victoria Police reasoning & personality tests

Our preparation for SA Police reasoning & emotional intelligence tests

Our preparation for NSW Police personality test

Our preparation for QLD Police reasoning and personality tests

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