Take our free verbal aptitude and verbal reasoning tests
Free aptitude tests – Free verbal reasoning tests - Free verbal aptitude tests
Take our free online verbal aptitude tests (or free verbal reasoning test) for a hands-on experience of a verbal aptitude reasoning test – see how well you cope with stress related to a timed aptitude test.
Our free verbal aptitude reasoning tests were designed to help you understand and practise the types of verbal questions used in the real verbal aptitude and verbal reasoning tests you will sit for your prospective employer. In contrast to verbal aptitude or verbal reasning test questions tailored to the level of difficulty and complexity required for a specific job, our free verbal aptitude reasoning test questions are targeted to a general job.
On completing each of our free verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning tests, you will immediately receive a full test report that includes your total score in coparison to others who have taken this test, a list of correct and incorrect test answers, and detailed explanations of the correct answers to each verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning question.
Please note that verbal reasoning or verbal aptitude tests are also called deductive reasoning tests by some psychometric test developers.
Let's review the following free examples verbal aptitude reasoning or deductive reasoning psychometric test questions:
The first free example verbal reasoning psychometric test question is one in which the test includes set of passages and 3 to 4 follow up test questions per each passage. This style of verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning test questions measure how effectivly you read the text and understand the content. Let's check the following example for this style of verbal aptitude reasoning questions:
Please read the following passage and answer the question at the end of the passage:
You have completed another year with the company, and you have continued to do a very good job overall. Your punctuality, professional demeanour, and attention to detail all continue to be at a very high level.
There are, however, a few aspects of your job performance that need improvement. First, as a regular daily occurrence at practices, you often fail to gather the balls and put them back on their racks in a timely enough fashion; our players want those balls back on the racks as soon as possible so that they can continue practicing without delays and without losing their rhythm. Second, water needs to be available to any player at any time and, occasionally, you have been slow to get water to the players as soon as they come off the court. Be sure to have the water ready for a player as soon as it is needed. Finally, you should always be available to immediately retrieve balls that bounce away from the court. Recently, after one player shot an air-ball, you didn’t retrieve the ball until after free-throw shooting drills had begun. Please make a point to retrieve balls as quickly as possible.
Now answer the following question based on the text above:
The employee has done a great job in the past year in terms of making water available.
Based on the passage, is this statement:
or Can't say?
To answer this question, we need to read the passage. The report’s second point states that the employee needs to do a better job in water availability. Therefore, the correct answer is 'False'.
Now, let's review a second style of verbal aptitude reasoning test questions. In this style of questions you will be given a list of facts and your task is to identify how this list of facts can be used to reach a certain conclusion. To understand more let's check the following free example of a verbal reasoning or deuctive reasoning psychometric test question:
Which two statements together prove that Tim has a red car?
A. Gil likes Tim's car colour
B. Tim likes fast cars
C. Gil has a fast car
D. Gil likes only red cars
E. Tim's car is not silver
To answer this verbal test question, we need to first examine what each statement says. If we take statement A ‘Gil likes Tim’s car colour’ and combine it with statement D ‘Gil likes only red cars’ then those alone prove that Tim has a red car. The logic is that if Gil likes only red cars (D) and he likes Tim’s car colour (A) then Tim’s car must be red.
A third style of verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning test questions includes lists of words and you need to find with one or two words are not the same as others. This style of verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning test questions tries to measure how good are you in grouping words based on their meaning. Let's check the following free example verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning test question:
Four of the following five options are alike in some way – select the one that is not.
A. to acquit
B. to esteem
C. to exculpate
D. to exonerate
E. to vindicate
Most words in this list have a common theme: ‘to acquit’, ‘to exculpate’, ‘to exonerate’, and ‘to vindicate’ are all verbs that relate to being found or declared not guilty, or free from blame. However, ‘to esteem’ means to respect and admire and has a different meaning to the rest. Therefore, this is the odd one out.
Our Institute's paid practice verbal aptitude and verbal reasoning tests are job specific and ensure that you are prepared for the correct style of verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning test questions, with a pool of thousands of verbal test questions for each job category including detailed answer explanations to ensure that you know how to tackle similar test questions in your real test. These are designed to ensure that you are fully equipped to successfully complete your real verbal aptitude test. To take our free verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning tests, please scroll to the bottom of the page.
Free Verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning test type 1 - this free verbal reasoning test is an example of verbal test questions that use statements and word association and lists or words as a method to test your verbal reasoning skills.
Take our free psychometric test - verbal aptitude reasoning test type 1
Free Verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning test type 2 - this free verbal reasoning test is an example of verbal test questions that use written passages to measure your ability to quickly process large amounts of information and reach a correct conclusion in a logical manner.
Take our free psychometric test - verbal aptitude reasoning test type 2
The style of verbal aptitude or verbal reasoning test you will be asked to take depends on the type of job you are applying for and the psychometric test developer that your employer uses. Talk to our expert psychometric test trainer to learn more about this issue.