Professional preparation for your work safety test
How we improve your work safety profile
- Practice work safety tests online
- Work safety test course online
- Personal coaching for your work safety test
- Work safety test workshops
Why it is important to prepare for your work safety test
- Work safety is probably the critical factor in making a hiring decision for all jobs with a safety component. The last thing you want to do is muck up your work safety profile.
- Unfortunately, it is fairly common that job applicants end up an unsuitable work safety profile simply because they didn’t understand what the work safety questions ask and answered them in the wrong way.
- If you are familiar with the common types of work safety test questions, you are more likely to answer them in the proper way.
- Many work safety test takers have attained an undesirable work safety profile simply because of stress and pressure when completing their test.
- It’s also important to point out that you only have one chance to provide your employer with a solid and suitable work safety profile. Employers and companies administering your work safety test offer no second chance.
- Your work safety profile will be kept for around two years with the company administering your test, and your profile will be then used for future jobs you are applying for.
These reasons make it extremely important for you to get the best work safety profile in your real test! There are no second chances!
How we prepare you for your work safety test
Take our practice work safety test online
- Receive unlimited access to practise a 55-question online work safety test that is based on real tests used by employers.
- Get a comprehensive report on how you stand and what employers are likely to understand from your score on each of the work safety dimensions measured.
- Learn what your strengths and weaknesses in your work safety profile.
- Get a simple and clear comparison of your work safety test profile against that required by employers in the job you are applying for.
- Get recommendations and tips on how to better demonstrate your work safety personality when taking the work safety test.
Take our work safety test course online
- Major improvement can be achieved within as little as 1–2 hours.
- Learn how your work safety test measures your work-safety profile.
- Get examples of work safety test questions with complete interpretations of the answers.
- Identify your work safety strengths and weaknesses against the requirements of the job you are applying for.
- Attain effective strategies on how to ensure you don’t mistakenly demonstrate an ‘unfit’ work safety profile.
Take our one-on-one personal coaching for your personality test
- Work closely with one of our professional and experienced psychologists and psychometric test trainers.
- Can be delivered outside of normal business hours and on weekends.
- We will ensure that you enhance your advantages and improve your weaknesses relevant to your work safety test score.
- You also receive free access to our work safety test.
Take our work safety test workshop
Participate in a one- or half-day work safety test workshop run by experienced organisational psychologists and psychometric test trainers.
In the workshop, you will receive personalised and comprehensive psychometric test preparation.