Professional preparation for your reasoning, personality and psychometric tests with Macquarie Bank
If you applied for a position with Macquarie or have already been one of the lucky ones who received an invitation to complete some psychometric tests (Logical reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Numerical reasoning and Personality tests) with Macquarie, then it is important to be aware that Macquarie typically asks all candidates to complete a mixture of reasoning and personality tests.
What to expect in the assessment process with Macquarie?
- Psychometric tests online
- Assessment centre onsite (for graduate and internship positions only)
- Behavioural or Competency type Interview
The types of reasoning and personality tests that you will be asked to complete with Macquarie:
1. Reasoning tests with Macquarie
Macquarie is one of the early users of psychometric tests in Australia. Macquarie uses a combination of reasoning tests to measure your cognitive ability for a position. The combination of reasoning tests typically includes:
1.1. Logical oe abstract reasoning test for Macquarie
- What to expect in your logical reasoning test for Macquarie?
Logical reasoning tests are timed tests. The timer is set per question (you have 75 seconds to complete each question) and you have 12 test questions to complete. They measure your problem-solving skills, your ability to make decisions with partial information and your strategic thinking. The logical reasoning test for Macquarie typically includes a series of test questions that you need to complete under time constraints. Each logical reasoning test question for Macquarie includes a group of shapes and one missing shape. Your task is to find a pattern or several patterns and to find the logical rules that apply to each group of shapes. Then to use these rules and patterns to find the correct missing shape out of a list of answer options.
The main challenges of Macquarie’s logical reasoning test are finding the patterns and being able to complete a large number of test questions in a very short amount of time. However, with some good test taking techniques and effective preparation it becomes a very doable task.
- Example logical reasoning test question for Macquarie
The symbols in this table are arranged in a logical sequence. What is the missing symbol?
To solve this question, we need to find the logical rules that apply to the shapes going from left to right or top to bottom. We can see that each cell contains four arrowheads, some pointing left, and some pointing right. The last cell in each row is a combination of the first two arrowhead of the first cell, then the last two arrowhead of the middle cell. So, if we look at our top row, the first two arrowheads in first cell are < < and the last two arrowheads of middle cell are < >. If we combine them, we get < < < >.
1.2 Verbal reasoning test for Macquarie
- What to expect in your verbal aptitude test for Macquarie?
Verbal reasoning tests are timed. The timer is set per test question (you have around 60 seconds to complete each test question). You have 15 test questions in your test The verbal reasoning tests measure your ability to identify critical information presented in English and make logical conclusions. The verbal reasoning tests for Macquarie include 5 sets. Each set has a unique passage and 3 questions relating to the written text. Each test questions has multiple answer options and only one correct answer. Your task is to quickly read the passage, identify the relevant information and find the correct answer.
- Example verbal reasoning test question for Macquarie
Please read the following passage and answer the question at the end of the passage:
E-cigarettes are electronic, battery-powered devices that usually resemble traditional cigarettes and simulate the experience of smoking tobacco. Users of e-cigarettes inhale a vapor as opposed to cigarette smoke. They are generally thought of as safer, healthier alternatives to smoking traditional cigarettes that contain tobacco and nicotine, but e-cigarette vapor is made up of a variety of particulates, including nicotine and other known toxins and carcinogens.
Still, even though some of the ingredients of some e-cigarettes are unknown, they are generally thought by many to be healthier than traditional cigarettes, which contain far more toxic chemicals and in larger concentrations. Some dangerous toxins that do not exist in traditional cigarettes can also be found in e-cigarettes, and most e-cigarettes also contain nicotine. This means that even if they are not quite as dangerous as traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes are still usually highly addictive.
Because of the addictive nature of nicotine, even if e-cigarettes are generally at least a little safer than traditional ones, a frequent user of e-cigs will still find it difficult to quit using them. Thus, even if e-cigs are a little safer than traditional ones, many e-cig smokers will likely suffer health problems from prolonged exposure to the nicotine and other harmful toxins and chemicals in e-cigarette vapor. Those who continue to smoke traditional cigarettes, or to take it up in the future, will face the possibility of a variety of health concerns related to the practice, but the e-cig smokers face potential dangers of their own, too.
Which one of the following statements applies to traditional cigarettes?
a. Since the advent of e-cigarettes, almost nobody smokes traditional cigarettes anymore.
b. E-cigs are not the only smoking product that people use; people do still smoke traditional cigarettes, as well.
c. They are not addictive.
d. They are battery powered.
e. They do not contain nicotine.
f. They produce exhalations of both smoke and vapor.
Answer explanation: The final sentence in the third paragraph establishes that traditional smoking does, in fact, still occur. Therefore, B is the correct answer
1.3 Numerical reasoning tests for Macquarie
- What to expect in your numerical reasoning test for Macquarie?
Numerical reasoning tests for Macquarie are timed. The timer is set per test question (you have 75 seconds to complete each question)..The test includes 12 questions. This test is designed to measure your ability to quickly process information presented in numerical form, such as numbers, graphs or tables, and logically reach conclusions. The numerical test includes 4 sets. Each set has unique background information and 3 test questions. The test is designed so you will have almost no time to complete answering all sets. Your task is to quickly select the correct answer for each test question based solely on the information presented.
- Example numerical reasoning test question for Macquarie
What is the ratio of the differences in actual sales to target sales in Thailand and Italy during the fourth quarter?
a. 2:1
b. 3:4
c: 1:2
d: 4:3
e. 3:2
f. 2:3
To answer this test question, we need to review the information provided in the table. According to the table, Thailand’s fourth-quarter sales target was 550, but actual sales were: 205 + 105 + 260 = 570. This is a difference of 20 (570 – 550). Italy’s target was 600 sales, but actual sales were: 125 + 250 + 240 = 615. The difference here was 15 (615 – 600). Therefore, the Thailand to Italy ratio of differences is 20:15 = 4:3.
2. Personality test with Macquarie
- What to expect in your personality test for Macquarie?
Contrary to the common belief and what Psychometric test developers would like you to believe, you can and should prepare for your personality test with Macquarie. Achieving a bad personality profile will most definitely eliminate you from the recruitment process. Unfortunately, it is very easy to respond in the wrong way to the personality test questions and end up with a bad personality profile. Your personality test with Macquarie will include just over 100 test questions. Each test question has three statements, requiring you to select which is most and least like you.
- Example for a personality test question with Macquarie
Which of the following statements is the MOST and LEAST like me?
I tailor the information I present to the needs of the audience.
I usually find my way around if I have been somewhere before.
I like to plan ahead tasks.
Results of my work are always documented in such a way that they can be reused without a problem.
To answer this question, it is important to consider what are the critical competencies or behaviours for the job you are applying with Macquarie. The first statement focuses on measuring your stakeholders management - are you focused on customers. The second statement focuses on measuring your ability to see the bigger picture vs focusing on the details. The third statement focuses on measuring you execution skills and being a forward thinking person. The correct answer depends on the relevant competencies - what competency is more important for the position you are applying with Macquarie.
How the Institute of Psychometric Coaching (IPC) prepares you for your test with Macquarie
The Institute’s Psychometric test experts have prepared several full preparation solutions for your reasoning and personality tests with Macquarie. They include:
1. Tailored online preparation packages for Macquarie:
Our tailored online packages for Macquarie include online courses and online practice tests customised for Macquarie.
What you get with our online practice tests for Macquarie:
- All practice tests for Macquarie (including timed logical, verbal, numerical and personality tests).
- The timers are set similar to your real test.
- All practice tests are based on real tests used by Macquarie.
- All practice tests have step by step answer explanations so you know how to answer in your real test.
- You get tests scores in comparison to others' performances.
- You get effective advice about how to improve your scores.
- Immediate Access.
What you get with our online courses for your tests with Macquarie:
- Logical Reasoning Test Course online with some example test questions.
- Verbal Reasoning Test Course online with some example test questions.
- Numerical Reasoning Test Course with some example test questions.
- Immediate Access.
2. Personal Tutoring sessions (Face-to-face or Skype live)
- Delivered by expert Australian Psychometric test trainers.
- Offered face to face (in Melbourne and Sydney) or via Skype live.
- Your coach works with you to improve your skills and scores for Macquarie’s tests.
- Your psychometric test trainer will teach you everything you need to know about your tests with Macquarie including example test questions.
- Prior to your coaching sessions you will be given special practical material and information about the tests you will be asked to complete for Macquarie.
- Immediate Access.
Some of our success stories:
After a long delay Macquarie have told me that i got the job. Getting through the tests ok was a key requirement and your help above and beyond was totally indispensable and so much appriciated. Thank you.
J (applied for a job with Macquarie)
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