The recipe for a successful preparation for your aptitude tests and personality test
We know as experienced psychometricians and organisational psychologists that people are not similar. Each person has their own unique set of aptitude skills and personality profile. This means that a real effective preparation for your aptitude test and personality test must be fully adaptive and tailored to you. A fully tailored preparation for your aptitude test and personality test must focus on your specific aptitude tests and personality tests weaknesses and be adaptive to your own learning pace. From this unique approach, our psychometricians and organisational psychologists have developed revolutionary adaptive tutoring guidelines for the aptitude tests and personality test that ensures that you are at your best when taking your aptitude tests and personality test. The guidelines for effective tutoring for your aptitude tests and personality test must include the following:
- Tailored tutoring material for the aptitude tests and personality test, such as practice tests and courses, that is fully adaptive to your needs - focusing on the job you are applying for and on your relevant weaknesses.
- Adaptive tutoring pace for your aptitude tests and personality test. This means that the tutoring must be fully adaptive to your learning pace and constraints.
- Personal tutoring (face to face or video conference) delivered by experienced psychometricians tailored to your needs.
Based on the adaptive tutoring guidelines, our psychometricians and psychometric test trainers have developed the following methodology to prepare you for your aptitude tests and personality test:
Practice aptitude tests and personality tests that:
- Focus on the job you are applying for.
- Mimic the time pressure you will have in your real aptitude tests.
- Focus on your specific weaknesses.
- Offer detailed answer explanations so you know how to solve a similar aptitude test question in your real-life aptitude test.
- Adaptive to your own learning pace.
Aptitude tests and personality test courses that:
- Focus on the job you are applying for.
- Offer all the material you need to know to succeed in your aptitude tests and personality test.
- Provide you with some example test questions.
Personal tutoring for your aptitude tests and personality test
- Delivered by experienced psychometricians and organisational psychologists.
- Tutoring is tailored to your pace of learning.
- Tailored to your relevant weaknesses.
- Offered face to face or via video conference to ensure you get a fully personal approach to your needs.